Natalie Milbrodt has a Master's in Library and Information Studies with a concentration in Archives and Cultural Heritage from CUNY- Queens College. From 2010-2012, she recorded and edited oral history interviews for the Coney Island History Project and catalogued audio and visual records in our digital archives. Natalie is currently Associate Coordinator of Metadata Services at the Queens Library and director of the library's crowd-sourced digital archives, the Queens Memory Project, which she first developed as a graduate student.
Mr. Cyclone 2010
Joshua, posed here with Miss Cyclone Angie Pontani, took a break from his busy schedule the day he was voted Mr. Cyclone 2010 to talk with us at the History Project. He explains the highlights of the competition and some of the things he'll...
Future elephant rider for the circus
Six year-old Sydney and her mother Stephanie Cozby visited the History Project before they went to the circus to celebrate her friends' birthdays. Among her favorite things in Coney Island are watching fireworks from the beach at night, eating...
On a date with Coney Island
Lauren had a big day in Coney Island, riding the Cyclone for the first time and eating her first Nathan's hot dog since the trauma of witnessing a hot dog eating contest a few years ago. She recalls winning the sand sculpture contest in 2007...
Lived next door to Luna Park
Rose Patton, nee Schwartz, lived in Coney Island in 1938 in a house her mother and aunt inherited from their father. Rose's family of four and her aunt's family of three shared the house for about a year before moving back to Brighton...
Brother and Sister from Coney Island
Sid and Lynn recall moving in 1955 from the Lower East Side of Manhattan down to 33rd St. in Coney Island where their family had always spent their summers. Sid says he felt as a child like he owned Coney Island and as they grew up, the Finkelsteins...
Lived in Luna Park Housing in the 1960's
Michele moved to Coney Island in 1961 when Luna Park Houses were first built. She had an aunt who lived in Sea Gate and often rode her bike over to hang out there on her favorite beach. It was quiet there and very different from the boisterous Luna...
Winner of the 2010 Coney Island Talent Show
Stephen Lin Bai-An has practiced T'ai Chi, the martial art and system of meditative exercise, since 1965 and taught it for the past twenty years since moving to the United States. The Sheepshead Bay resident is nearly eighty years old and was...
Mr. Cyclone hopeful
Robby Corrado is a 2010 Mr. Cyclone contestant. His father brought him to Coney Island to celebrate his seventh birthday and inadvertently sparked a love for the Cyclone that has grown over the years. Robby talks about the inspiration for his...
Coney Island visitor since the 1980's
Olga Guevara visits Coney Island these days with her two children (pictured with her above), but remembers visiting the beach in the 1980's with her girlfriend when they were single. She also remembers coming to Coney Island in the 1990's...
A fan of the Cyclone
Richard describes skipping school to visit in the 1970's when there was a "sense of adventure" in Coney Island. He describes the fun of riding the Cyclone and his hopes for the future of Coney Island. This photo of Richard comes from...