W.F. Mangels Company

Page 10 of W.F. Mangels company catalogue #4 Two different carousell figure listings: (1) Outside horse (2) King horse
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue
Page 07 of W.F. Mangels Company Catalogue #4 Listing for Palace Galloping Horse Carousell (Patented February 11, 1902; February 5, 1907): Dimensions and Capacity: Diameter of platform, 50 feet; in 18 sections, each for 4 horses abreast; 60 galloping...
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue
Page 03 of W.F. Mangels Company Catalogue #4; "A few places where our Carousells and other Amusement Devices are in use" Includes photos of: Feltman Brothers, Coney Island, New York; L. D. Shaw, Glen Echo, Maryland; Bois Blank Park, Detroit and...
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue
28 page catalogue from the W.F. Mangels Carousell Works showing their range of products, including carousels, carved horses, band organs, Whips, shooting ranges and vending ovens.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue
Page 27 of W.F. Mangels Company Catalogue #4 Five different listings for different parts of shooting gallery: (1) Ten Steel Pins set up in triangular formation. Pins can be shot down with four shots (2) Sprocket Wheel and Detachable Chain: all sizes...
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue
Page 23 of W.F. Mangels Company Catalogue #4 Three different listings for Electric Targets (different designs). Describes three different electric bullseye targets: with standard, battery and bell; without standard; with large steel eagle, painted....
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue
Page 20 of W.F. Mangels Company Catalogue #4 Two different listings for Mechanical Shooting Gallery Background (different designs), Number 25 and 26. Made with steel plates and iron frames. Describes mechanics of different targets and what happens...
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue
Page 16 of W.F. Mangels Company Catalogue #4 Great Electro Mechanical Boat Race listing (illustration)
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue
Page 12 of W.F. Mangels company catalogue #4 Description of carousell organs for sale.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue
Page 11 of W.F. Mangels company catalogue #4 Two different chariot listings: (1) Roman Chariot Ticket Booth (2) Carved Chariot Luna Park is referenced.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Manufacturer's catalogue