Father Maxim Pliskov

Russian Orthodox priest at Coney Island's St. John of Kronstadt Chapel for the Homeless

Father Maxim Pliskov
Interview Date:
December 8, 2019


This interview was conducted and recorded in Russian. Read Julia Kanin's transcript and translation below. Интервью проведено и записано на русском языке. Вы можете ознакомиться с траснскриптом и переводом Юлии Ханиной ниже.

Father Maxim Pliskov is a Russian Orthodox priest from Belarus whose mission is serving at the St. John of Kronstadt Chapel for the Homeless in Coney Island. Founded in 2017, the House of Loving Work, as it is frequently called, provides both spiritual and material support to those in need. The chapel holds religious services and has rare icons and relics from the Kyiv Monastery of the Caves donated by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). Meals are served three or four times a week. A considerable number of graduates have gone on to find work or housing after being fed, clothed, and helped to get into detox or rehab programs, according to Father Pliskov. "Coming to an extreme point in their life brought them to this House. And they know they can get help here," he says.