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Dear Mr. Coney Island...

I got this photo off the 1940’s NYC site. My dad and his friends rented what I believe would have been the bungalow on the left in this photo. My recollection is we went there in early to mid 70’s. What I remember most was being able to walk under the boardwalk to the beach or go up a staircase to the boardwalk. The staircase would’ve been added later but you can see how it would work. My brother seems to think that the bungalows were more likely on W35th, but agrees that they looked like this. I remember being very close to Seagate and what I think would’ve been remnants of the Ocean Tide. If this pic is where we would’ve stayed then to the right would’ve been a small hotel and a pizzeria (Marios?). Any thoughts, info or photos would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

- Tom Baker

Hello Tom,
The bungalows were between 32nd and 33rd, Right next to Larry and Vinny’s pizza.
I have documented them for many years. Not much left now, just ruins at ground level where there’s a cat colony. Would like to hear more about your Dad and the bungalows! Let’s talk.
Here’ s a photo I took of the bungalows twenty years ago.
Charles Denson




That could be Carlton Court, or maybe Jefferson Baths. We were in Villanova Ct. on 36th St. just before Seagate. Carlton was the next one east (34th or 35th St.), and Jefferson was the one after.

From about 1956 to 1970 my parents owned two duplex houses on W. 31st St. each house had a bungalow in back that they rented to tenants. I recall helping my dad paint the inside of one of the bungalows when I was about 16. I wish we had taken pictures inside and out, but somehow we never thought of doing that.

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