"The" Jerry Farley is a record producer and audio engineer who has produced shows in Coney Island at Peggy O'Neills and now at Coney Island Brewery, where he stages a monthly punk/metal night and other live events. Born in Dyker Heights in 1978, as a teenager he went to live shows at CBGB and played there twice. Farley shares memories of Don Fury's Cyclone Studios on Surf Avenue in Coney Island, where Fury recorded and produced music for a variety of punk and hardcore bands. He also recalls the scene at The Temple, a live music venue for all ages in the basement of a synagogue in Bensonhurst.
"There's an immense pride that comes from people in Coney Island," says Farley. "and it comes with a lot of work and a lot of grit and just being like, I'm gonna do something here because there's something special here. I just want to say thank you to Coney Island for giving me a place to kind of keep the South Brooklyn music thing a part of that larger world of art and music and expression."