Jane McNeive Ennis

Memories of Ocean Tide Baths and Coney Island

Jane McNeive Ennis
Interview Date:
March 21, 2022


Jane McNeive Ennis, 91, grew up in Bay Ridge and recalls going to Ocean Tide Baths as a teenager in the 1940s. She has fond memories of renting a season locker at Ocean Tide with three girlfriends and painting and decorating the locker which was the size of a large closet. They would take  the subway to Surf Avenue and then the Norton’s Point trolley to Ocean Tide. Sometimes on a late Sunday afternoon, Ennis and her friends would walk back along the boardwalk and stop for frozen custard, visit a penny arcade or go on a ride before returning home. "I would just like to go down where Ocean Tide was and see what's there now," says Ennis, who hasn't been back to Coney Island for almost fifity years.