Coney Island: Visions of an American Dreamland

By Charles Denson Charles Denson with the Neptune medallion on the day he donated it to the Brooklyn Museum in 1981. On November 20 a groundbreaking exhibition called Coney Island: Visions of an American Dreamland opens at the Brooklyn Museum....
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Red Grooms, Weegee 1940, 1998-99, acrylic on paper, Private Collection. Image Courtesy Marlborough Gallery, New York; © 2013 Red Grooms/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York On May 12th, the New York Public Library will host a conversation...
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Official Trailer: Coney Island: Visions of an American Dreamland, 1861-2008On Saturday, February 28th, Charles Denson will present a slide talk on the Coney Island History Project's mission and origins as part of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art...
Content type: News Article