Documentary photograph

Brooklyn & Queens Transit trolley 2555 on Sea Gate line, traveling east. The Child's Building (now Coney Island USA building) is partially visible on the left side of the photo. The World Circus Sideshow (now the Eldorado bumper cars), Popper...
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
Photograph copyright Abe Feinstein
Stillwell Avenue Subway Station, Surf Avenue walkway
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
Surf Avenue frontage of Coney Island USA building at 1206 Surf Avenue. Looking south from Surf Avenue.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
In 2006, as the culmination of a $5 million rehabilitation of the tower, lighting artist Leni Schwendinger was commissioned to transform the Parachute Jump into, according to Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, "a beacon of light for this...
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
Photograph copyright Abe Feinstein
Walkway in Stillwell Avenue Subway Station -- outside The Islander Coffee Shop stand
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
View is looking south from Surf Avenue near West 12th Street
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
Astroland entrance, taken from Surf Avenue looking south.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
Photograph copyright Abe Feinstein
Stillwell Avenue Subway Station entrance from sidewalk
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
Pre-fab housing units waiting for installation on Mermaid Ave. between W. 22nd and W. 23rd St., looking south from Mermaid Avenue
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
Restaurant looking south from Surf Avenue at West 15th Street
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph