Marina Rubin

Ukrainian emigre writer and author of Stealing Cherries, a collection of flash fiction

Marina Rubin
Interview Date:
November 1, 2015


Marina Rubin, the author of Stealing Cherries (2013), reads excerpts from her book of flash fiction, and talks about storytelling, poetry and the Russian Jewish immigrant experience. Born in the small town of Vinnitsa, Ukraine, she immigrated to the United States with her family, who sought political asylum in 1989. They settled first in Bensonhurst, where Rubin attended New Utrecht High School, and moved to Coney Island when she was a student at Pace University. Rubin recalls a poem titled A Coney Island Life that she was taught in high school, first dates on the Cyclone and Wonder Wheel, and romantic walks on the Boardwalk.

This program is part of the Cultural Immigrant Initiative supported, in part, by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and New York City Councilman Mark Treyger