Coney Island Beach

Girlhood memories of growing up on West 5th Street in Coney Island before being displaced by Warbasse
Sisters Gladys Sandman and Lucille daCosta, née Salvia, share girlhood memories of growing up on Coney Island's West 5th Street in the 1950s and the beginning of the '60s. Their grandparents were homeowners on West 5th and their mother and father ...
Content type: Oral History Item
Memories of growing up on West 33rd Street in Coney Island and working on the Boardwalk in the 1960s
Al Burgo, who grew up in Gravesend Houses in Coney Island's West End, shares memories of street games and streetwise hijinks in the 1960s. As a boy, he earned 15 cents per shine while apprenticing with a shoe shine pro on the Boardwalk, an...
Content type: Oral History Item
Teaching Yoga on the Beach in Coney Island
Yoga and meditation teacher Chia-Ti Chiu has been teaching "Yoga on the Beach" off West 19th Street in Coney Island since 2014.  She talks about her family's Taiwanese heritage, her travels to China and Southeast Asia, where she studied Mandarin...
Content type: Oral History Item
Memories of working at a Coney Island beach chair and umbrella rental company as a teen in the 1970s
Steve Larkin's family lived in Coney Island and Brighton Beach from the time his Latvian-born grandfather David Latzkin immigrated here in 1903 until they moved in 1978. The family resided at 55 Railroad Avenue and later on Brighton 7th Street....
Content type: Oral History Item
Kite flyers Billy Echeverria, Nicholas Rowe, Kurtis Jones and Charles Stewart at Coney Island's Kite Festival
Interviewed at the 7th annual Coney Island Kite Festival, Billy Echeverria, Nicholas Rowe, Kurtis Jones and Charles Stewart talk about kite flying as "filling the sky with art" and as a sport. The season for kite flying on Coney Island Beach is from...
Content type: Oral History Item
People, people, people -- more than a million of them according to police officials -- jam Coney Island Beach, New York City, and adjoining amusement park on Fourth of July holiday. (penned by Assoicated Press Photo)
Crowds fill Coney Island Beach on the Fourth of July holiday in 1957.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
Photograph copyright Abe Feinstein
This photo, taken by Coney Island resident and amateur documentarian Abe Feinstein, shows the Coney Island Beach in April 1978 looking towards the former Childs Boardwalk Restaurant. Constructed in Spanish Colonial Revival style with elaborate terra...
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Documentary photograph
Sand Sculpting Contestant
Joanna Randall took a break from the hot sun where she was working with boyfriend Aaron Sand and their friends Lauren Roberts and Jacob Roberts to complete their entry in the 20th Annual Sand Sculpting Contest. The contest is hosted on the Coney...
Content type: Oral History Item