Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year!

Happy New Year


As the terrible days of 2020 fade into history, we look forward to a season of recovery in 2021 that enables us to be reunited with our Coney Island friends. We're grateful to all of our members, funders, and friends for your continued enthusiasm and support, and proud of all that we've accomplished this year and during the past 16 years. Special thanks go to Carol Albert for her ongoing support of our mission. Carol co-founded the Coney Island History Project with Jerome Albert in honor of Dewey Albert, the creator of Astroland Park. We also thank the Vourderis family, operators of Deno's Wonder Wheel Park, for providing us a home, and for their interest in preserving Coney Island's history.

We can’t wait to celebrate the Wonder Wheel’s 100th anniversary in 2021 - its 101st year. The Coney Island History Project’s special exhibition on the 100th anniversary of the Wheel was also delayed, but will appear next season to document one of Coney Island's most remarkable survival stories. We also extend an invitation to anyone with a Coney Island story to contact us and sign up for an oral history interview. It's more important than ever to keep Coney Island's heritage alive!

In 2021, you can also explore Coney Island history through new episodes of our Coney Island Stories podcast; oral histories, videos and virtual exhibitions on the History Project website; and free Zoom activities and outdoor events. Your donation or membership today will help support our 501(c)(3) nonprofit's community programming. Through December 31, 2020, the CARES Act lets donors deduct up to $300 in qualified charitable contribution whether or not you itemize your 2020 return.

We’re counting the days until we meet again in Coney Island for the 2021 season!

Charles Denson
Executive Director


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