Lady Deborah Moody

Founder of the town of Gravesend

In 1640, Lady Deborah Moody and a small group of persecuted Anabaptists left England, and in 1643, they settled at the extreme southwestern end of Long Island. The tract included Coney Island, a sandbar that lay to the south across a shallow tidal creek. The settlement became the town of Gravesend, the only English town in the Dutch province of New Netherland and the only colony in America founded by a woman.


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Founded the amusement manufacturing capital of the world
Activist Songwriter
Coney Pioneer
Built Coney's First Amusement Park
Inventor of the Hot Dog
Inventor of the Baby Incubator
Founder of Steeplechase
Creator of Thompson & Dundy's Luna Park
Sideshow Impresario
Developed Carousel Wood Carving
Thrilled the Public with Exotic Dancing
Ride Inventor and Manufacturer
Designer and Builder of the Parachute Jump
Designed and Built the First Commercially Operated Roller Coaster