Collection - Book

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Page 11 (top): Cast H.M.S. Pinafore, Inman's Casino
Study Collection
Page 11 (bottom): Wilson and Kojan's Music Hall
Study Collection
Page 20 (top): Roller Coaster
Study Collection
Page 12 (left): Entrance to Luna Park
Study Collection
Page 21 (top): The Old Mill
Study Collection
Page 12 (right): Entrance to Luna Park, Looking Out to Surf Avenue
Study Collection
Page 21 (bottom) : Japanese Ball Game
Study Collection
Page 13: Tower and General View of Luna Park
Study Collection
Page 14 (top): Scene in Luna Park
Study Collection
Page 14 (bottom) of the Glimpses of the New Coney Island book: XX
Study Collection
Page 15 (top): Performing Horses at Luna Park
Study Collection
Page 15 (bottom): Ziz
Study Collection
Page 16: White World
Study Collection
Page 18 (bottom): Looping the Loop
Study Collection
Page 20 (bottom): Star Toboggan Racer
Study Collection
Page 96: Luna Park, Helter Skelter
Document Collection
Back Cover of Book: Frank Bostock
Document Collection
Page 85: The Air Ships, Steeplechase Park
Document Collection