Collection - amusement rides

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Aerial View of Amusement District, from the AstroTower
Study Collection
Page 28 (bottom right): Pabst Loop
Study Collection
Page 29: Galveston Flood
Study Collection
Page 25 (top left): Airship at Dreamland
Study Collection
Page 25 (bottom left): Fish Building and Haunted Swing at Dreamland
Study Collection
Page 26 (bottom): Midget Railway at Dreamland
Study Collection
Page 28 (top left): Scenic Musical Railway
Study Collection
Page 23: View of Dreamland from Chutes
Study Collection
Page 24 (top): Fighting Flames at Dreamland
Study Collection
Page 21 (top): The Old Mill
Study Collection
Page 14 (top): Scene in Luna Park
Study Collection
Page 16: White World
Study Collection
Page 20 (top): Roller Coaster
Study Collection
Page 85: The Air Ships, Steeplechase Park
Document Collection
Page 93: Luna Park, The Chutes
Document Collection
Page 68: San Francisco Earthquake, Dreamland
Document Collection
Page 70: Hell Gate, Dreamland
Document Collection
Page 71: Chutes from Bostock's, Dreamland
Document Collection