Oral History Archive

Filtering by 1980 - 1989 back to all
John Rea
Began his career as a sign painter in Coney Island
Wally Roberts
The King of Jones Walk
Marie Roberts
A painter with a Coney Island legacy
Walter "Shorty" Arsenault
Long-time manager of Astroland's Kiddieland
Allen Ashby
Visiting Coney Island his whole life
Louis Beard
Arcade game repairman
Peter Agrapides
Owner of Williams Candy and past owner of Fascination Arcade
Edwin Cosme
Business Owner and Founder of the Coney Island Sports Foundation
Howie Lipstein
Devoted Cyclone Rider
David Rapaport
Got stuck on the Parachute Jump
Roy Sylvan Sartin
Model Maker and Music Producer
Betty Fair
Lifelong Coney Island resident
Nick Fracaro
Artistic Director of Thieves Theatre
Stanley Fox
Ran penny arcades in Coney Island for over 20 years
Kevin Rexach
Worked at the B&B Carousell
Sheila Buxbaum Fitlin
Family owned the Shamrock Irish House and Eldorado Arcade
Akosva Albritton
Former employee of Astella Development Corporation
Amos Wengler
Coney Island singer/songwriter who wrote "Save Coney Island" and "Hot Dog Song"